[SPOTLIGHT] Japanese TV Highlights from All Japan 7th Dan Invitational (5 videos!)

[SPOTLIGHT] Japanese TV Highlights from All Japan 7th Dan Invitational (5 videos!)

Check out these highlights from the 2019 All Japan 7th Dan Invitational Championships, aired by CSTV Morning Channel.

Koseki Sensei (Tokyo) vs Odaguchi Sensei (Iwate):Toyama Sensei (Aichi) vs Matsuwaki Sensei (Tokyo) Uchimura Sensei (Tokyo) vs Koseki Sensei (Tokyo)Matsuwaki Sensei (Tokyo) vs Takanabe Sensei (Kanagawa)Toyama Sensei (Aichi) vs Higashinaga Sensei (Saitama)

Videos from : CSテレ朝チャンネル

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